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Na-i-su-ka-cchi ;(ナイス蚊っち)

2005-06-22 | new product

Thanks to Miss Minatsuki, I could get this product.

Reading this article, I ordered this instrument named  ナイス蚊っち the other day.
The one which I wanted was running out of stock when I ordered, so I ordered this one.
In a few days, it was sent to me.
Shizusan who likes new things was also very interested in it and tried using it.

I will be able to kill mosquitoes, flies, spiders and so on with this 'nice kacchi' from now on.

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Proverb 43

2005-06-22 | proverb



Fortune favors the brave.


If we are in the same condition, the goddess of fortune seems to cheer for the strong or the brave person.
So let's have a confidence, strength, or bravery to win something!!


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