The other day, I took the pictures of these cats while I was taking a walk in the evening.
This is a kitten yet and was jumping to the leg of the owner again and again.
It looks very !!
This cat was once homeless and was dying.
Fortunately it was saved by my friend.
So she was named 'No-n cha-n'.
Besides my friend took this cat to the veterinarian and the contraception operation was done with the help of money from Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Because of the black mark on the face, it looks awful as well as charming.
Now it is living with other two cats happily.
This is a kitten yet and was jumping to the leg of the owner again and again.
It looks very !!
This cat was once homeless and was dying.
Fortunately it was saved by my friend.
So she was named 'No-n cha-n'.
Besides my friend took this cat to the veterinarian and the contraception operation was done with the help of money from Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Because of the black mark on the face, it looks awful as well as charming.
Now it is living with other two cats happily.