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New year visit to a shrine

2010-01-05 | diary

  I went to Takamtsu saijyo inari on January 3.
Great many people were there for praying their good luck, health  and so on.

They are burning incense sticks and it is said the smoke also do good for our health.

These are votive pictures called 'Ema' in Japanese.
They write various kinds of wish on this board.

 This is 'a turning over calendar at day' that I bought at a souvenir shop along the approach to the shrine.
The words and a drawing on the board attracted my attention.


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4 コメント

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I see ! (yaya)
2010-01-07 22:04:42
Thank you very much for teaching me more precisely about this temple.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-01-07 16:56:40
Thank you for reading my comments.
Now,In Nichiren sect(日蓮宗),There are many independent groups of Nichiren temple.
The group of 妙教寺, including 最上稲荷,was independent until last July. But,
The group of 妙教寺 gave up being independent and belonged to some group of Nichiren temple.
So,The name changed.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-01-06 18:49:33
Thank you very much !

I hear the sect of this temple is Nichiren(日蓮)now.
The sect of this temple had been 最上稲荷教総本山 till last July.
And the name also changed from 最上稲荷教総本山 to 最上稲荷教総本山妙教寺.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-01-06 17:17:14
May you are happy and healthy by the providence of Saijyou Inari (最上稲荷)this
Do you know to which sect of Buddhism Saijyou Inari belongs, Singon(真言),Tendai(天台),or Nichiren(日蓮)?
Myoukyouji temple(妙教寺),Nichiren sect,next door to Saijyou Inari,has been making remarkable growth of Saijyou Inari since Meiji era. 

