Happy new year! Do you know when a day starts,from sunrise or sunset? In old Japan,Peoples thought that a day begins at sunset. The eve belongs to the next day. In chapter 19 of Turezuregusa(徒然草),Kenkouhousi(兼好法師)wrote that the spirits of our ancestor call on their descendants on New Year's Eve. The spirits of our ancester come back to our home on the spring and autumnal equinox(春、秋彼岸),Obon(お盆),and New Year's Day.
Do you know when a day starts,from sunrise or sunset? In old Japan,Peoples thought that a day begins at sunset. The eve belongs to the next day.
In chapter 19 of Turezuregusa(徒然草),Kenkouhousi(兼好法師)wrote that the
spirits of our ancestor call on their descendants on New Year's Eve.
The spirits of our ancester come back to our home on the spring and autumnal equinox(春、秋彼岸),Obon(お盆),and New Year's Day.
I also wish your lucky and healthy year.
I didn't know when a day starts.
I always enjoy your interesting story.
Please teach me many things this year too.