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Proverb 96

2006-07-12 | proverb

Monarda; (Ta-i-ma-tsu-so-u)

 A stitch in time saves nine.

If we act in good timing, we will be able to go on doing it very smoothly.
The first step is important.

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hmmm... (Minatsuki)
2006-07-13 09:36:02
What does the 'nine' stand for? I don't get the proverb.

By the way, the bees look so big. Actually I'm scared of bees, so I hope they won't come to the yard of my house.
Hi ! (ya421)
2006-07-13 13:54:24
The meaning of this proverb is '時期を得た一針は九針省く'.

So 'nine' means 'nine stitches', I think.

I'm sure some kind of insects including bee will come someday, as you have a nice flower garden.

Don't be scared of bees, please !

