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A big to-ri-i

2005-01-08 | shrine and temple
Yesterday afternoon, I went to Saijyou Inari with my family.
I'm not sure but it is said to be one of the 'best 3 select of Inari Shrine in Japan'.
I go there every New Year.

This is a big 'to-ri-i';a gateway at the entrance to a Inari Shrine at Takamatsu in Okayama prefecture.
We can drive under the to-ri-i.
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big shrine! (Minatsuki)
2005-01-08 23:39:53
Hi, was it new year's visit to shrine? It's big shrine, isn't it?

I haven't been to any shrines yet this year.
That's right! (ya421)
2005-01-09 14:17:00

It is one of the biggest shrine in Japan.

And it was my first visit of the year to a shrine.

If we go January 1, 2, or 3, there are too many cars to drive smoothly.



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