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The sky

2004-12-15 | weather

This is the sky of yesterday morning.

It's very warm these days.
Where has the cold of winter gone?
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Wonderful! (mimoza)
2004-12-15 16:19:51
How clear and bright the color of the sky of your area is! Your photo is very excellent.I tried to take a picture like you, but I could not to do without electric wires at that time.
Thank you! (ya421)
2004-12-15 19:37:12
Thank you for your kind comment.

I really don't have any skills of taking pictures and the camera isn't so good.

The name of the camera which I bought in the end of May is 'Cannon IXY DIGITAL' that is 3.2 MEGA PIXELS.

The price was about 40000 yen.

I'm glad to read yours.


