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Beginning of autumn

2014-09-01 | weather


ear of rice


flower of a scallion 

Hot summer has passed and cool autumn is around the corner.

we can see ear of rice.

And many crickets are singing at night.

I'm looking forward to spending comfortable autumn days.

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2 コメント

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Unique Blog (天地玄黄)
2014-09-08 03:58:07
This is a very unique blog conbeying to the readers the graceful state of mind of a Japanese lady who lives in the country side of Japan and showing peaceful local atmospheres of Okayama district with beautiful pictures. I always feel happy after reading your blog. My knowledge about Okayama is Momotaro, Kibidango, Kibi no Makibi, Kibi no Kama which appears in the Ugetsu Monogatari and in sports a former professional baseball pitcher Hiramatsu. Thank you
To 天地玄黄 san (yaya)
2014-09-17 15:54:27
Thank you very much for your comment.
I'm happy to read it.
Okayama is famous for Momotaro, isn't it ?
I live near the place where Kibi Makibi was born.
And Kibi no Kama is at Kibitsu jinjya where we often visit.

I'm sorry not to have noticed your comment till now.

