Let's enjoy English !



2006-01-27 | diary


 I went to see the dentist this afternoon.
I went there about ten days ago, so this was the second time.

I hadn't been there for about three years.
The other day, I felt bad in my right upper gums.
But I didn't want to go to see the dentist, so I began brushing my gums carefully.
In spite of my effort, my teeth didn't get well and at last I went to the dentist.

The dentist found a few bad teeth, so I have to go there some times to cure them.


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don't like (Minatsuki)
2006-01-28 11:57:48
I don't like to go to dental clinics... I hate that sounds of electric drills! And I haven't been there for really long time, but I wonder I'd also have to go there to have my teeth checked & have plaque removed...
Oh ! (ya421)
2006-01-28 18:21:28
I don't like the sound of drills too.

But if you go there before your teeth being too bad, you may not have to hear the sound of drills.

Please go to the dental clinic !

