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The Star Festival

2005-07-07 | weather

Evening sky after the shower

  Today is the day of  'The Star Festival'.

There was a shower and thunder  for a short while in the evening.

And the sky isn't so clear that I can't see 'The Milky Way' well now.
Will 'Weaver star(Star Vega) and Altair';( O-ri-hi-me and Hi-ko-bo-shi)  who can date only once a year on July 7  be able to see each other?

I wish they could date !!  



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4 コメント

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Of course! (Minatsuki)
2005-07-08 10:40:26
Of course they could have a date in the universe. We just missed it by thick clouds. But I haven't seen the milkey way for ages because of clouds. What a pity!

Hi ! (ya421)
2005-07-08 21:25:45
Sky and stars in the dark give us a romantic dream, don't they?

I'd like to value these events.
Unknown (Joolie)
2005-07-13 00:26:31

I really love this photo! We've had some interesting sunsets recently, don't you think! I'm glad that we're having cooler weather now and then, though. I don't have an air conditioner in my apartment, so I'm hoping that I can cope with just a fan for the rest of the summer!

はじめまして! (ya421)
2005-07-13 17:53:10
Welcome to my blog, Ms. Joolie and thank you very much for giving me a comment.

I'll visit yours too.

See you!!

