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Flowers of weeds

2005-04-06 | plant
Spring has come at last.
The flowers of weeds are also pretty, looking at carefully.

The field are becoming rich day by day !!

Shepherd's purse;(Na-zu-na), (O-o-i-nu-no-fu-gu-ri), (Ho-to-ke-no-za)


Butterbur sprout

Reproductive shoot of the field horsetail
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5 コメント

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I'd like to (Minatsuki)
2005-04-06 22:23:06
They are so beautiful, aren't they? You're lucky because you can see a lot of those flowers nearby. I'd like to go somewhere to see flowers and green. Spring excits me a bit.
I remember my birth hometown (Nickelbird)
2005-04-07 10:10:40
Hi! Morning! ya421

These flowers are representative of spring, and are known by everybody.

I feel they are lovely and friendly and if I look it I remember my birth hometown always.

By the way, I may forget by the pre- comment.

The birth hometown of the friend who will meet in Detroit next month is Okayama. Now he is coming to Okayama, in order to visit his father's illness.

Possibly, his house is near your house.

To Minatsuki san (ya421)
2005-04-07 18:18:04
I'm happy you like these pictures.

There are lot's of weeds like this around here.

So I just would like to introduce the beauty of them to those who live in the city.

Thank you very much!!

To Nickelbird san (ya421)
2005-04-07 18:26:56
Is your birthplace also a country?

Now here are full of color; green, pink, red yellow, white and so on.

And your friend may be near my house!
a joke (Nickelbird)
2005-04-07 18:59:05
>Possibly, his house is near your house.

It's a joke. Sorry!face_warai/}

