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Visit to a shrine

2007-01-28 | shrine and temple
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Votive picture;(E-ma)

My husband becomes 60 years old this year.
We call the year 'Ka-n-re-ki' in Japanese and it is said to be an unlucky year for the man.
So yesterday, we visited Ki-bi-tsu shrine which is very famous and big to pray for good health, good luck and so on.
There were a lot of visitors there.
After handing a piece of paper written a wish to a shrine clerk with some money, we went into a praying room with other people.
A shinto priest prayed for about ten minutes for us.

By the way, we Japanese have a custom of presenting a red vest and cap at 'Ka-n-re-ki'.
I don't know why my husband refused to be given them when I told him about it.

*The main building of this shrine is covered with a big board or something to be repaired, so I couldn't see the splendid scenery of the building nor took pictures.
They are repairing its roof after an interval of 50 years.

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Hello ! (ya421)
2007-01-29 18:07:20
Your opinion seem to be right.
I think so too.

But I want to see my husband putting on a red vest and hat.
Hi (Minatsuki)
2007-01-29 10:39:43
To be given a red vest & cap as a Kanreki celebration is custom, but we don't need them any more after that, don we? I won't want to be given them if I were your husband.
But as for his feeling, I think he was embarrassed with putting them on, that's why he would have refused.


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