Let's enjoy English !


Proverb 62

2005-11-03 | proverb

 Sound mind in sound body.

This famous proverb comes  from a poetry written by Roman poet named Juvenalis (60-136).
In his poetry there is a sentence in Latin;'mens sana in corpore sano ・・・).
It means you ought to pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.

He wanted to say you shouldn't be greed so much !

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2 コメント

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Hi! (ya421)
2005-11-05 14:24:13
I didn't know the real meaning of this proverb, so I consulted the dictionary or Google.

Writing an article brings me a new knowledge !

"sound" (dddi7j)
2005-11-04 23:07:47
Hi! How've you been?

Nice proverb. I know this proverb in Japanese, but I didn't know it in English. 'Sound' has such kind of mean... It teach me a good lesson.

I don't want to be greed, I think.

See you.

