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Artificial tooth

2004-11-15 | diary

Eighty- four years old Shizusan has been wearing false teeth for a long time.

About six months ago, her full dentures broken as she had been wearing it for a very long time.
So she had the new one made at a dentist.

Though I thought it would fit soon, she has been consulting the dentist once or twice a week.
She went there today too.
Both Shizusan and my family are surprised at the length of going to the dentist.
It seems to need a very dificult skill to fit the tooth to her mouth.

Taking care our teeth is very important, I think.

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Me too ! (ya421)
2004-11-15 23:04:17
I can't touch false tooth either.

It isn't good to see.

It shoud be in the mouth !!

But when I become old,

I can't touch false tooth.. (Minatsuki)
2004-11-15 21:25:28
Professionals of false tooth who're skillfull are few. And even though the price of false tooth is expensive, they can't earn money for them because of insurance for old people, so they don't put in a lot of effort to make them. But anyway, to make false tooth which fit mouth perfectly is very difficult, even partial denture. My parents often go to a dentist for their false tooth, too. (^^;)

By the way, I can't touch false tooth. They look gross for me. I might touch mine in the future, but I can't touch anyones.

