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The winter solstice; (to-u-ji)

2004-12-21 | weather
Today is the winter solstice;(to-u-ji).

As you know the period of the daytime is the shortest and the night longest.

We have a custom of eating pumpkin and taking a hot citron bath today in Japan.
Then we won't have a cold and be healthy.

In ancient times it was said today was the beginning of the year.
It may be reasonable as the day becomes longer and longer from tomorrow!

Glass cadlestand
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« Da-i-mo-n-ji-so | トップ | Proverb 17 »

2 コメント

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The smell was lovely! (Minatsuki)
2004-12-22 22:25:06
Did you enjoy citron bath? I did. Even though I put only 3 citrons into the bathtub, the smell was lovely! I liked it very much.
Hi ! (ya421)
2004-12-23 11:34:19
Though I ate pumpkin, I didn't take a citron bath this year.

You enjoyed it, didn't you?

I like the smell too.

