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Chrysanthemum 3

2009-11-04 | Yokomizo Seishi

  These are chrysanthemums seen at a zen temple named 'Se-n-ko-uj-i' near my house.
One of the supporters of this zen temple  presented these flowers.
By the way, this temple appears in the mystery ; ' Go-ku-mo-n-to-u' written by Yokomizo Seishi who is one of the most famous mystery writers in Japan. 
They are holding an event called 'Mystery Walk' now and this temple is in the course, so many people visit this temple.
So these flowers must be happy too !


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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-11-06 11:53:59
Your fotoes of chrysanthemums are very much beautiful.
Senkouji temple,千光寺,appears in 獄門島,a Yokomizos novel.
In Yokomizos essay,探偵小説昔話,Yokomizo wrote that he was taught many knowleges concerning 曹洞宗 by 末永篤仙,head priest
of the temple.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-11-06 14:08:13
I'm sorry that I mistook the title of the novel in which this temple appears.
I noticed my mistake by your comment, so I rewrote this article.
Thank you very much !


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