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Flower of perilla

2009-09-16 | diary
Mouse on !


Perilla (Shiso) is a kind of herb that has unique smell and we call this plant beefsteak plant too.
There are two kinds of perilla ; red perilla and green one.
This is a green one.
This flower bears seeds which we can cook tempra and so on.
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2 コメント

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Hi! (Minatsuki)
2009-09-18 23:08:18
They're cute flowers, aren't they? I don't know the name 'beafsteak plant'. Is it Japanese name? I wonder if they taste good at tempra... Have you tried them before?
To Miss Minatsuki (yaya)
2009-09-19 14:49:56
I knew the name 'beafsteak plant' when I was researching about this plant.
So I don't know it is a Japanese name or not.

I have ever tried tempra.
It was not so good or bad.
Please try them !

