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In the hot summer days

2006-07-15 | weather


It's very hot these days though the rainy season hasn't finished yet.

Please take care of your health !

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2 コメント

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That\'s too bad ! (ya421)
2006-07-16 18:04:09
It's very hot today too.

It is raining very hard and the sound of thunder is heard.

I should turn off my PC.

But the sound isn't so big, so I'm writing to you.

By the way I'm glad you felt cool by looking at this picture.

Please take care!
too hot (Minatsuki)
2006-07-16 11:20:56
too muggy every day, isn't it? Hear rashes I got on my neck doesn't get better to sweat very much every day. They're very itchy...

The carp pictures look nice to make me feel cool.

