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A beautiful book

2005-04-13 | book
I bought this book written by Keiko Yanagisawa who is one of the greatest life scientists in Japan.

The title is 'Wisdom to live and to die;(i-ki-te shi-nu-chi-e)'.

The content of the book is the one that 'Ha-n-nya shi-n-gyo-u' is translated into the present age word by a scientific interpretation.

In addition, it is translated into English by Hideo Riibi.
I have never seen Ha-n-nya shi-n-gyo-u in English before.

There are some wonderful pictures painted by Fumiko Hori among the pages too.

A few years ago, I read a book by Sachiya Hiro whose title was 'Bu-kkyo-u wo i-ki-ru 1'.
Reading the book, I learned that 'Ha-n-nya shi-n-gyo-u' was one of the greatest wisdom for man.
I have been its fan since then.

I knew this book in the newspaper ad the other day.
And for that reason, it caught my eyes.

The number of pages aren't so many, so I could read through it soon.
But I can't understand what the writer is saying very well.
Because it is philosophical, so it is too difficult to understand.

But I think it is a good book!!

* The picture above is 'Te-n-ryu-u-ji' in Kyoto.

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2 コメント

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命の尊さ (ame1)
2005-04-14 06:12:44
どういたしまして・・・ (ya421)
2005-04-14 13:11:36




