Let's enjoy English !



2005-02-13 | others
Congratulations !!

Today is the luckiest day in the six-day Buddhist calendar;(ta-i-a-n ki-chi-ji-tsu).

I happened to see a young lady I know well in beautiful kimono.

There was an engagement party at her house.

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2 コメント

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How is your wound? (mimoza)
2005-02-16 16:46:24
Is your leg become well?

The girl in Japanese kimono is very beautiful. She looks slender. I wish she will be able to lead a happy life.

It's all right. (ya421)
2005-02-16 20:59:22
My wound is getting better day by day though part of it is blue.

Thank you very much for your care.

This lady is gifted both intelligence and beauty.

Besides she is a hardworking lady.

Now she is a doctoral student in the medical department.

Her near-future husband is also a nice man.

I'm sure they will become a well-matced couple.

I also wish her leading a happy life!!

