Let's enjoy English !


It's cool!

2006-09-10 | weather

Japanese pampas grass

Though it was very  humid and hot like mid-summer days yesterday, it becomes very cool after raining today.
It is a season of turning point from hot summer days to a cool fall days, so we can't catch up with the alteration of this climate.
We apt to be sick in spite of the comfortable weather, because our tiredness during summer has been in our health yet.
Please take care!



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2 コメント

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Good evening ! (ya421)
2006-09-12 22:58:01
It\'s cloudy here today, so it was cool all day.

I visited your homepage and enjoyed your nice drawings.

I\'ll visit your blog too.

See you!
Hi! (Nickelbird)
2006-09-12 13:38:39
It\'s rainy day.

Autumn has come!

How are you?

I updated my homepage.

New mark of a table of contents were updated.

But it\'s not yet complete. So I\'ll revise it sequentially.

See you,


