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Making a handwritten copy of a sutra.

2013-03-17 | diary



 I attended the meeting of making a handwritten copy of a sutra  for the first time.

It has been held once a month at our zen temple since this year.

It took about an hour to write down the sutra called 'Heart Sutra'.

This sutra has 262 words and represents 'the emptiness'.

My heart became calm while I was writing them.

After finish writing, we offered the paper to the principal image of the temple.

I'll go to the meeting next month.

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To 天地玄黄 san (yaya)
2013-03-23 18:44:49
Thank you very much !
I think great many people in Japan are good sutra calligrapher.
handwring a sutra (天地玄黄)
2013-03-23 04:31:26
I thought the sutra shown here was the model writings. It really is great if you wrote this.
I remember my uncle was doing the same thing after he recovered from a serious disease.
To Mrs.mekkan (yaya)
2013-03-22 17:51:14
Thank you very much !
I practiced a Japanese calligraphy long ago but I couldn't be a skilled calligrapher at all.
I made it by only tracing the characters.
Wow! (mekkan)
2013-03-22 10:00:44
This is beautiful! Are you familiar with a Japanese calligraphy? Looks like you are quite a skilled calligrapher.

