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Chrysanthemum 2

2009-10-31 | plant

  There are many different kinds of chrysanthemums.
I can see different colors, sizes and shapes.
So I'll upload them for a little while from now on. 
The flower of middle of the pictures are blooming in my yard now and the others are seen while taking a walk.


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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-11-01 15:34:35
The third of your photo is very much impressive. The yellow colored chrysanthemum is wonderful.
I think that the large,big flower is the
result of one year long effort.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-11-01 21:30:37
I found the yellow one at the vegetable field near my house while taking a walk .
I saw big flower and 'ke-n-ga-i' at the Se-n-ko-u-ji last year.
The priest said that a person bring them every year, so I may see them this year too.

