Let's enjoy English !


Proverb 24

2005-02-09 | proverb
  Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.

I don't know well about this phrase, but perhaps it comes from 'the Bible'.

It means that as you are made of dust, you shoud become dust in the end, I think.

Reading this words, I remember the fundamental principle of Buddhism, 'Life is but an empty dream'.

Rice feild now

This is the same view as the picture of yesterday.
I took this without using a flash.
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I owe you much, thank you! (mimoza)
2005-02-09 19:13:10
In the Shakespeare works I read "thou,art and so on"It'difficult. (not good condition to write in??) I met your site and looked many wonderful photographs which are large or skillful. And I got many hints of the skill"image and tag" thank you very much.

Rice field looks very cold.I can see various state of them, thank you, too.
You are welcome ! (ya421)
2005-02-10 20:26:22
I am glad to read your comment.

I'm not so good at taking pictures, writing in English, making a home page.

So I am ashamed a little!

Thank you very much!!

