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Giant Shinto straw festoon

2005-01-09 | shrine and temple
A giant straw festoon is put in front of the main building of Inari Shrine.
It weighs about 1.5 tons.

And under the Indian-style main gate is a pair of stone statue of fox.

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Good evening! (ya421)
2005-01-09 21:58:40
I don't know well but it isn't a symbol of a snake.

I think it's just a jumbo straw festoon.

There is a very big one at 'Izumo Taisha' that is famous for 'a god of marraige' in Shimane.

It is said the length is 15 meters and the weight is 5 tons.

Oh, what a big one it is! (Cakeater)
2005-01-09 16:45:58
Is this a symbol of a giant god snake, too?



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