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Hot day

2006-06-29 | weather
It's very hot today.
The highest temperature became more than 32℃.
It was 'Mid summer day';(Ma-na-tsu-bi).

Sunflowers began to bloom in Shizusan's vegetable field.

When I see this flower, I feel summer is around the corner !
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2 コメント

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Hi ! (ya421)
2006-06-30 14:12:31
I think so too.

But it\'s a little cooler than yesterday today.

The rainy season will end before long !

I wish there be no heavy rain that bring damage.
Hello~ (Minatsuki)
2006-06-30 09:30:05
Hello~ It was so hot & humid weather yesterday, isn't it? I think summer is comming too early this year. I'd like the summer to wait for a while until the rainy season is over!!

