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Evening sky

2006-09-03 | weather
Mouse on !

Taking a walk in the evening, I saw the sky like this.
The shape of the clouds caught my eyes.
It's becoming cooler and cooler in the morning and at night, though the sunlight is strong yet during the day.
The air isn't humid but dry, so I feel fine.
It's the beginning of fall !
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4 コメント

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Thank you ! (ya421)
2006-09-05 14:21:08
Thank you for telling me the site.

I tried the quiz, but it was difficult a little.

I found a good page. (Cakeater)
2006-09-04 19:08:55

And you try the \"sprain your brain\", please.

I fully enjoyed this quiz for ten minutes.
Hello ! (ya421)
2006-09-04 16:53:34
The kind of cloud seems to be different by the height of the cloud, doesn\'t it ?

On seeing the sky, I took these pictures as they are so beautiful.

I can\'t also stop taking pictures of them like you.

Oh, beautiful cirus! (Cakeater)
2006-09-03 21:49:30
Cirus stripe\'s height is 9000 m.

Mackerel sky (I uploaded the picture today)is 7500 m.

I take many pictures of sky view in September and October every year. Can you stop taking a picuture when you look up a wonderful sky?

