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Visiting a park

2007-11-07 | scenery
Chinese-style park

The other day, I visited a park named 'Ma-ki-bi ko-u-e-n';(Ma-ki-bi park) which was named after Ki-bi-no-ma-ki-bi who was a great politician as well as a scholar of Nara era.
He was born at this area and visited China as one of the Japanese envoys to Tang Dynasty China twice.
After he came back to Japan, he took an important role.
So they built a Chinese-style park commemorating him.

Mouse on !


Material pavilion

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4 コメント

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kibi no makibi (jack)
2007-11-09 14:18:57
I know he is. HE is great a politician Nara era. Othere hand there is another gratea politician same time in kibi area who is Wake no kiyomaro.He partcipate to have the new capital in kyouto. 
Hello ! (ya421)
2007-11-09 18:28:06
I searched for Wake no kiyomaro by Google now.
I could understand him well.
He was also a great man, wasn't he ?
Unknown (Minatsuki)
2007-11-09 18:48:57
I didn't know that the 2 guys' home land was same Okayama. Okayama is enthusiastic pref. about education, so that's why maybe.
To Miss Minatsuki (ya421)
2007-11-10 18:00:26
As you say, Okayama is enthusiastic pref. about education.

