


2006年10月28日 | その他イロイロ


 エヴァ・ペロン アルゼンチン大統領夫人は長らく病気療養中であったが、二十六日夜死去した。病気はガンだといわれているが、正式には発表されていない。公式には三十歳と登録されている。


 ・オリンピック ヘルシンキ大会



Eva Peron Dies in Argentina;A power as President's Wife.
Benos Airs Sets National Morning-End Comes
After Long Illness.
A ccording to the Argentina Who's Who,she was 30 years old.[Biogrphical meterial not cur-rently published in Argentina gave Snora Peron's age as 33,her date of birth May 17,1919.]
The people of Argentina,who had been celebrating masses,for the recovery of the First Lady,who was called "the spiritual chief of nation," were well prepared for the event.During the course of the day the Sub-Secretariant of Informations had issued three bul-leting in rapid succession that clearly indicated the end was near.
President Peron, who was at her bedsaid when she died,had been staying nearly all week close to his wife in the Presidential Resaidence.Member of the Cabinet were there today.
At 9:42 P.M.,all radio stations interrupted their programs to report:
"The Sub-Secretariat of Infor-mation fulfills the very sad duty of announcing that at 8:25 o'clock,Snora Eva Peron,the spiritual chief of the nation,passed away."
The announcement was followed by religious music.
Senora Peron was operated upon last November for cancer.Her last public appearance was on June 4,when,looking extremely pale and worn,she attended the ceremony at which General Peron was President-largely through her help.
As news of the death was received throughout the country,each Province decided to send here spcial delegations,presided ever.


死亡に先立つ7月20日に「Last Scene of a fabulous story」という記事が、エバの顔写真数枚とともに載っていました。(これは書き写せなかった)


Eva Peron dies
Eva Peron,wife of the president of Argentina,is ded.
The news came through early this morning of ten a night of bulletins or the woreening of her conditions broacast to Argentine people,
meanwhile the chief of police in Buenos Aires had cancelled all leave and mobillised all the forces under his command.
At least eight Cabinet Ministers were at the presidential residence,round which the police had placed a cordon and stopped all traffic in nearby stoets.
Blode,beautiful Eva Peron was thirty-three, she had been seriously ill since last November.Her hasband was at her bedsaid.He had kept vigil for the last few days,seldom beings seen at the presidential office.



A very old-fashioned lady is dead
A very old-fashioned lady is dead. Not an-old-fashioned lady of lace and lavender and gentle,faded smiles,but an old-fashioned lady of wink furs and anmour-plated motor-cars,a guainet out-of-date lady of violent ambitions embeded in vast and vulgar wealth.

Eva Peron Dies in Argentina;A power as President's Wife.
Benos Airs Sets National Morning-End Comes
After Long Illness.
A ccording to the Argentina Who's Who,she was 30 years old.[Biogrphical meterial not cur-rently published in Argentina gave Snora Peron's age as 33,her date of birth May 17,1919.]
The people of Argentina,who had been celebrating masses,for the recovery of the First Lady,who was called "the spiritual chief of nation," were well prepared for the event.During the course of the day the Sub-Secretariant of Informations had issued three bul-leting in rapid succession that clearly indicated the end was near.
President Peron, who was at her bedsaide when she died,had been staying nearly all week close to his wife in the Presidential Resaidence.Member of the Cabinet were there today.
At 9:42 P.M.,all radio stations interrupted their programs to re-port:
"The Sub-Secretariat of Infor-mation fulfills the very sad duty of announcing that at 8:25 o'clock,Snora Eva Peron,the spiritual chief of the nation,passed away."
The announcement was followed by religious music.
Senora Peron was operated upon last November for cancer.Her last public appearance was on June 4,when,looking extremely pale and worn,she attended the ceremony at which General Peron was President-largely through her help.
As news of the death was received throughout the country,each Province decided to send here spcial delegations,presided ever.



自分でもなにしているんだろうと思う、土曜日の過ごし方。帰宅してからは「水曜どうでしょう リターンズ」垂れ流しコースでした。
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2006年10月28日 | その他イロイロ


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