

クジラも呼ぶという、オペラ歌手 柏田ほずみさん!

2013-11-24 18:54:27 | ブログ






【転載開始】The journey towards  Kagome

What do you say if you hear “The tombs of Moses and Jesus Christ are in Japan?”  Or how do you react if you hear “The Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Grail are hidden in Japan?”


“It’s ridiculous!” “Are you crazy?” That would be the answer, I think.

However, if you realise the clear photos of Google Earth around the possible area have been changed to blurred ones, or you cannot see the area anymore because of some clouds, or if you found the name of a shrine has been erased from Google maps, what do you think?


Mr Uemori started to hear a mysterious voice and have strange experiences around the time that he invented Terafight. On the 11th August 2010, he went to Munakata shrine in Kyushu to see Dr Takao, who used to teach at Kyushu University, in order to verify Terafight scientifically. When he arrived at the shrine, he heard the voice saying “I’m glad to see you here” in his head. He still remembers the scary and eerie feeling he felt in his spine. 

Since then, he has been coming across various people mysteriously, receiving so many messages, visiting shrines and temples and marking lines on the maps every day. He has never researched religion or ancient history, nor did he have special knowledge about these topics until then.


While visiting so many places and marking lines on the maps, it appears that these shrines, temples and places of historic interest are positioned to make the cross, the Star of David or the cabbalistic tree of life. He also realised that the great secret has been hidden in the lyrics of the “song of Kagome”, and found some ground pictures using the mountain structure. (All details will be explained separately)


According to him, the ancient Japanese Emperor was the Emperor of the world, and people and civilizations had travelled from Japan to the world and vice visa. The unbelievable stories Mr Uemori revealed are that the tombs of Moses and Jesus Christ are in Japan, and the Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Grail are hidden in Japan as well. He detected the place where the actual tomb of the ancient Japanese shaman queen Himiko(卑彌呼) is, and announced that she had offered her prayers to Moses and Jesus Christ.


The details will be explained separately however, as mentioned above, recently Google Earth started to hide the clear photos of the area where Mr Uemori found the ground pictures, and replaced them with blurred photos or photos with clouds, and Google maps erased the shrine’s name where he thinks the Holy Grail is hidden. The amount of Osprey (based at an American base in Japan) flying over the above mentioned area is also increasing and all these are showing that something might be happening.


“No time to waste. Hurry up!” Mr Uemori has been receiving this message for the last few years. He has been led to dig the Holy items out, to enshrine them and bring peace to the world. 

Can Mr Uemori or we, Japanese, able to play our roll or somebody will take the Holy items away to somewhere secretly---------!?【転載終了】












 何故、どうして、そんな馬鹿な・・・??  いろいろ考える前に、事実として捉えて頂くことが、とても重要である。世の中には、いろいろな方がおられるが、素直が一番である。



柏田づみ(Kashiwada Hozumi)

イタリア Diano Castello 音譜 国際オペラコンクールで. 優勝経験を持つ、ソプラノ オペラ歌手。小笠原で船上で歌う声にクジラが数頭集まり、船の周りを回遊しジャンプをして船上や陸から海を眺めていた人達を驚かせた。彼女の歌声に取りや 虫も反応するため、共振・共鳴作用があるといわれいる。現在、ヨーロッパでも活躍中。


もののけ姫(Mononoke -Hime)

Y's BAR ゲスト オペラ歌手 柏田ほずみさん

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