from today's Nikkei

2007年03月21日 14時53分16秒 | 新聞記事から
霞が関庁舎 民間賃貸へ容積李 未利用分を増床 宿舎など売却1.5兆円国庫に
A panel consisting of experts under the auspices of the Finance Ministry has recently announced its interim report on the issue of selling out some of national assets. According to the report, they are mapping out a new idea that some of the central government's ministries and agencies buildings in the Kasumigaseki district,Chiyoda Ward,Tokyo, should be rent to the private sector's entities after they build up more floors using their not-yet-unutilized capacities.Anotyher idea is that they will sell some office buildings,such as the Meteorological Agency' one in the Otemachi,Tokyo,or the Tokyo District National Tax Bureau's one, and some public employees' housings across the nation.These measures are expected to generate some 1.5 trillion yen,which would come into national treasury.
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