from today's Nikkei

2007年04月25日 09時27分33秒 | 新聞記事から
特殊法人の独立法人移行時 政府、欠損金12兆円穴埋め 出資金相殺 明確な説明なく
It has been learned that when the government transformed 54 specially-established corporations,such as Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan or National Space Development Agency of Japan,to 49 independent administrative organizations,it made up for their accumulated deficits of 12 trillion yen by the public funds.This means that in the process of the ex-specially-establishe corporations' becoming the new organizations,their deficits accumulated in the past were compensated by the government's subscriptions,which were equivalent to the private sector's corporations' capitals.As the government took such administartive measures without any explicit explanation to the public,it may be blamed for the lack of accountability.
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