from today's Nikkei

2007年04月26日 09時48分31秒 | 新聞記事から
ソニー、金融子会社上場 今秋メド 調達3000億円規模 電機事業の投資資金に
Sony has decided to list the shares of its wholly-owned subsidiary Sony Financial Holdings, a finance company, around this autumn.After the listing,it intends to raise money of about 300 billion yen by selling its shares in the stock market.The money is invested in its electrical machinery business.
参考:全額出資の子会社は他には a 100 percent subsidiary, a 100-percent-owned subsidiaryなどが可能か? 3000億円規模の規模にこだわるなら level を使う。money of the 300 billion yen level。level を使うと前にthe をつける。
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