日米、強固な同盟 再確認 北朝鮮核放棄へ連携 合意不履行なら 追加制裁も 首脳会談 温暖化対策・経済も協力
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President George W. Bush had summit talks at Camp Dadid in the suburb of Washington D.C. on the morning of April 27.They reconfirmed the two countries' firm alliance,and also agreed to cooperate with each other in pursuing North Korea's dismantling of its nuclear weapons.They also confirmed that if North Korea defys the agreement reached in the six-party talks in Beijin,additional sanction should be added to the current one,and that the two countries will cooperate with each other in the issues of global warming and economic activities,too.
参考:4月27日の午前中という場合は、普通はin the morningというところをon the morning とする。前置詞がonになります。特定の日の午前中とか午後はinがonに変わるわけです。
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President George W. Bush had summit talks at Camp Dadid in the suburb of Washington D.C. on the morning of April 27.They reconfirmed the two countries' firm alliance,and also agreed to cooperate with each other in pursuing North Korea's dismantling of its nuclear weapons.They also confirmed that if North Korea defys the agreement reached in the six-party talks in Beijin,additional sanction should be added to the current one,and that the two countries will cooperate with each other in the issues of global warming and economic activities,too.
参考:4月27日の午前中という場合は、普通はin the morningというところをon the morning とする。前置詞がonになります。特定の日の午前中とか午後はinがonに変わるわけです。