from today's Nikkei

2007年04月23日 09時37分54秒 | 新聞記事から
東証が「種類株」市場 年内にも 資金調達の幅広げる 優先株や議決権制限 上場基準、株主に配慮
The Tokyo Stock Exchange intends to create the market for class shares,which are different from common stocks in receiving dividends or exercising the voting rights in shareholders' meetings, within the year.Companies will raise up the money from the capital market more easily than before by issuing the preferred stocks without voting right,which could be paid dividends by them prior to common stockst,instead of having the voting right in shareholders' meeting. From the investors' viewpoint,
TSE7's trial will expand the choice of investments,because it will become more available for investors to buy and sell (trade) the so-called class shares.In the process of this new challenge,TSE likely will revise the standards for stocks' new listing.It also will put much emphasis on taking the shareholders' intersets into consideration.
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