社会保障費の伸び 抑制額 実質200億円に 目標2200億円 埋蔵金などで穴埋め 政府・与党、内訳固める
The government and ruling parties decided (on)Tuesday their stance for the policy of curbing(cutting) the social security spending increase in fiscal 2009 by 220 billion yen.According to their decided idea,140 billion yen is generated by withdrawing some of the fund for the pension special accounting,and 60 billion yen is generated from the road-related tax sources.As a result, the amount of cutting the spending in the next fiscal year will come to be about 20 billion yen, far from the targeted 200 billion yen.
注:埋蔵金buried treasure 新聞の記事の内容自体が難しい。
The government and ruling parties decided (on)Tuesday their stance for the policy of curbing(cutting) the social security spending increase in fiscal 2009 by 220 billion yen.According to their decided idea,140 billion yen is generated by withdrawing some of the fund for the pension special accounting,and 60 billion yen is generated from the road-related tax sources.As a result, the amount of cutting the spending in the next fiscal year will come to be about 20 billion yen, far from the targeted 200 billion yen.
注:埋蔵金buried treasure 新聞の記事の内容自体が難しい。