今年の日本株売買 個人、18年ぶり買い越しへ 高配当割安感 株安下で積極姿勢 外人は売り越し 企業業績懸念も
Recently,in domstic stock market individual investors have been conspicuosly (positively) buying stocks.According to the data on the selling and buying trends of the stock by the type of investors from the begining of the year,individual investors' total amount of buying on balance has become more than 1.2 trillion yen,which will make the year buying on balance for the first time in 18 years since 1990.While many foreign investors have been selling Japanese companies' stocks midst the global financial crisis,Japanese individual investors have likely turned their stances towards positive attitudes,buying stocks positively, because of stocks' high yields and a sense of inexpensiveness for their prices.But in reality,in the circumstances that there have occured many concerns about companies' business performance,the outlook is unforseeable.
Recently,in domstic stock market individual investors have been conspicuosly (positively) buying stocks.According to the data on the selling and buying trends of the stock by the type of investors from the begining of the year,individual investors' total amount of buying on balance has become more than 1.2 trillion yen,which will make the year buying on balance for the first time in 18 years since 1990.While many foreign investors have been selling Japanese companies' stocks midst the global financial crisis,Japanese individual investors have likely turned their stances towards positive attitudes,buying stocks positively, because of stocks' high yields and a sense of inexpensiveness for their prices.But in reality,in the circumstances that there have occured many concerns about companies' business performance,the outlook is unforseeable.