トヨタ、営業利益赤字1500億円 今期戦後初 生産体制 抜本見直し 販売減と円高直撃
Toyota Motor Corporation is worsening its business performance. On the 22nd,it announced its estimate for the business result in the term through the end of March,2009.It revealed that it will decline to about 150 billion yen loss in its consolidated operating profit and loss account.This resulted from cars' sales decline across the world triggered by the global financial crises and strong yen,and will make the company the deficit this business term in its operational activity for the first time after World War Ⅱ,while it attained the record high profit in the previous term. It is obvious that the company will have to drastically revise its production scheme in these circumstances.
Toyota Motor Corporation is worsening its business performance. On the 22nd,it announced its estimate for the business result in the term through the end of March,2009.It revealed that it will decline to about 150 billion yen loss in its consolidated operating profit and loss account.This resulted from cars' sales decline across the world triggered by the global financial crises and strong yen,and will make the company the deficit this business term in its operational activity for the first time after World War Ⅱ,while it attained the record high profit in the previous term. It is obvious that the company will have to drastically revise its production scheme in these circumstances.