plemmet とplunge をよく使う。両方とも、鉛に関係しているみたいである。
Today's top news in The Daily Yomiuri bagins with the sentence as follows:
The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980,the Finance Ministry said Thursday.
The structure of this sentence is charactersitic of the newspaper articles.
As you know, the object of the verb "said" of this sentence is written before the subject and the verb come, because it is very long and accounts for the major part of the sentence. When we can read this sentence,we can easily understand the meaning and the sentence structure.
But how should we think about speaking this type of sentence in oral communication. I think it is probably all right.
But in my opinion,it would be more smart to say like these:The first one is " The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980.The Finance Ministry said so Thursday." , and another one is "The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980.This is said Thursday by the Finance Ministry."
The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980,the Finance Ministry said Thursday.
The structure of this sentence is charactersitic of the newspaper articles.
As you know, the object of the verb "said" of this sentence is written before the subject and the verb come, because it is very long and accounts for the major part of the sentence. When we can read this sentence,we can easily understand the meaning and the sentence structure.
But how should we think about speaking this type of sentence in oral communication. I think it is probably all right.
But in my opinion,it would be more smart to say like these:The first one is " The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980.The Finance Ministry said so Thursday." , and another one is "The nation's 2008 trade surplus plummeted 80 percent-the largest fall since comparable statistics became available in 1980.This is said Thursday by the Finance Ministry."
wage: 戦争を起こすとか、・・・をする、の意味。Israel waged war against the Palestinian ....
weigh:考える、考慮する。この単語は多義である。consider, deliberate onの意味で使うこともあり、二日連続でこの用法を新聞で見た。
weigh:考える、考慮する。この単語は多義である。consider, deliberate onの意味で使うこともあり、二日連続でこの用法を新聞で見た。
私の友人が、伝え聞くところによると(allegedly or reportedly)、工事現場で約3トンの落下物が落ちてくるところ、その難を逃れた、らしい。それで、以下は、道を歩きながら考えたことである。
3トンの金属は、3 tons of metal でもmetal of 3 tons でもどちらでも言えそうだ。冠詞が入るとどうなるか? 3 tons of the matal , the metal of 3 tons .
the metal of 3 tons は、問題の金属は3トン。3 tons of the matal は問題の金属は3トンかも知れないが3トン以上あるかも知れない。
The metal of 3 tons was dropped from the roof of a building.
Three tons of the metal was dropped from the roof of a building.
3トンの金属は、3 tons of metal でもmetal of 3 tons でもどちらでも言えそうだ。冠詞が入るとどうなるか? 3 tons of the matal , the metal of 3 tons .
the metal of 3 tons は、問題の金属は3トン。3 tons of the matal は問題の金属は3トンかも知れないが3トン以上あるかも知れない。
The metal of 3 tons was dropped from the roof of a building.
Three tons of the metal was dropped from the roof of a building.
日銀見通し 2年連続マイナス成長 09年度2%戦後最悪 CP・社債買い取り白川総裁「不確実性高い」
Bank of Japan made open at the January 22nd monetary policy meeting its estimate that Japan's economic growth for fiscal 2008 and 2009 will be minus 1.8 percent and minus 2.0 percent, respectively,which would be the worst declines for two years in a row after the World War.Bank of Japan's Governor Akira Shirakawa said at the news conference that the outlook for the future is very highly uncertain. At its January 22 nd meeting,Bank of Japan decided to purchase comercial papers and corporate bonds issued by domestic companies up to the level worth 3 trillion yen.
Bank of Japan made open at the January 22nd monetary policy meeting its estimate that Japan's economic growth for fiscal 2008 and 2009 will be minus 1.8 percent and minus 2.0 percent, respectively,which would be the worst declines for two years in a row after the World War.Bank of Japan's Governor Akira Shirakawa said at the news conference that the outlook for the future is very highly uncertain. At its January 22 nd meeting,Bank of Japan decided to purchase comercial papers and corporate bonds issued by domestic companies up to the level worth 3 trillion yen.