utilization of DVD movies

2009年01月28日 11時26分25秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
An electronic medium of DVD is very common today. But it was not so,for example, ten yeras ago. That means it has come to be prevalent rather recently.In terms of my private affairs,I have seen my children sometimes or frequently watch DVD movies rented from a rental shop on their PCs or on a TV set.Triggered by their behaviors,I also tried to watch DVD movies rented from a Tsutaya rental shop near my house on my PC.And I found out that it was very interesting. First of all, the image of the DVD movies is cleared than that on a TV set,a conventional old-fashioned TV set, because the screen panel of the PC is more advanced than the TV set's. The language of the movies can be selected,for example,into English or Japanese.The language of subtitles is also selected by a viwer into English and Japanese.So, I can hear actors and actresses speak English while I am watch the English subtitles. In my thought ,this kind of experience in studying English is not so common.Native speakers say English, which is shown as subtitles, could be observed,for instance, how to make a pause.
In a sense, I was behind times. It might be said I finally catch up the times. If there are some ladies and gentlemen who have not tried the one I mentioned now,I would like them to do it.
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