from Monday's Nikkei

2010年04月07日 09時22分19秒 | 新聞記事から
資源確保へ算出国支援 政府 基盤整備や産業振興 まずボリビア リチウム権益へ地熱発電所建設

In order to secure the rights of rare matals necessary for the production of eco-friedly cars,the government has decided to give an exclusive, economic support to the resources-supplying countries.

First of all,South American Bolivia is selected as a specific country, and Japan began to investigate how to support the projects like geothermal power station construction and others starting in May or June.

The government has a plan to explore such possibilitie in Africa and Asia,too.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年04月07日 08時47分48秒 | 新聞記事から
セブンイレブン 省エネ店舗 世界に2万店 5年計画 電力消費3割抑制 環境対策、小売業でも

According to sources, Seven-Eleven Japan Co., which is the world's largest convinience store operator, is goin to make their stores both at home and abroad changed to eco-friendly ones.It has a plan to develop a so-called international standard shop which makes use of Japan-specialized, energy-saving technologies such as LED illumination and solar power generation, and have completed making their some 20,000 stores in the world model-changed to such types by five years ahead.

According to the calculation, the amount of electricity consumed in a shop will be reduced by up to 30 percent besides the carbo dioxide emission.

Up to now it is said that the retail industry has fallen behind the other industries in terms of the environmental problem. But Seven-Elenven Japan's initiative this time will give momentum to the industry.
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from today\'s Nikkei

2010年04月07日 08時23分46秒 | 新聞記事から
ハイブリッド部品共通化 三菱ふそう・ダイムラー トラックと乗用車 コスト半減 日野はトヨタと

According to sources there is a movement in the car manufacturing industry that they would share some of hybrid components for vehicles of general passenger cars and trucks. Specifically, Mitsubishi Fuso Tuck and Bus Corporation has a plan to share some of hybrid vehicle parts with its parent company German Daimler AG. Another trial is at Hino Motors,Ltd., which is going to change about 60 percent of its small-sized tuck hybrid parts to the same with those for its parent company Toyota's passenger cars.Using the same parts within a group will make them more competent in the world market with their production costs reduced.
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