from today's Nikkei

2010年04月19日 22時07分37秒 | 新聞記事から
未就職の大卒を支援 パソナ2000人一時雇用 リクルート中小紹介サイト 青学大などー留年の学費軽減

In the business and education sector there have occured a movement that they will support the young who have graduated from a university but have not yet got a job.
Specifically, a major temporary staff agency Pasona Group Inc. is going to employ, on a temporary basi,about 2,000 people who have not been succesuful in taking a job, and help them get a job at another company. Recruit Co. is to set up a site on the Intenet where job-offering information from small and midsize companies as a consigned business from The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Another movement is at Aoyama Gakuin University that has decided to reduce the fee by half for students who dare to stay in the university for seeking a job.Amid the period of difficulty in terms of young people' getting jobs,they are making efforts in building safety networks for the young.
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