インドに投融資3.5兆円 首脳会談 高速鉄道後押し 安保協力深める
Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe and India's prime minister Narendra Modi met on Monday at the Guest House in Tokyo. They talked with each other on many issues and issuused a joint statement.
And the statement said that Japan would give India investment and lending over the next 5 years equaling about \ 3.5 trillion, when the funds from public and private sectors combined. It also said that Japan would support India's challenges in building a transportation infrastructure like a high-speed railway network and constructing the industrial complex zone which would help draw foreign firms' investment. Two leaders also showed their interst in deeping cooperatrion in the field of national security.
Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe and India's prime minister Narendra Modi met on Monday at the Guest House in Tokyo. They talked with each other on many issues and issuused a joint statement.
And the statement said that Japan would give India investment and lending over the next 5 years equaling about \ 3.5 trillion, when the funds from public and private sectors combined. It also said that Japan would support India's challenges in building a transportation infrastructure like a high-speed railway network and constructing the industrial complex zone which would help draw foreign firms' investment. Two leaders also showed their interst in deeping cooperatrion in the field of national security.