インドでタタと水処理 パナソニックが装置 「安全な水」日本勢、アジア開拓
An increasing number of Japanese companies are launching into water-related businesses. In a lot of Asian countries they are suffering from a bad condition of water. In such circumstances, Panasonic Corporation , for example, will develop a device which can efficiently eliminate toxic sunstances from underground water in cooperation with Tata Group, the biggest industrial conglomerate in India. As poupulation is increasing in Asia, the demand for safer water there is increasing, and is expected to exceed that in Europe by the year of 2020. At the backdrop of that situation in Asia, Japanese firms are entering into the water market in Asia, with their expertise for providing people with safe water.
An increasing number of Japanese companies are launching into water-related businesses. In a lot of Asian countries they are suffering from a bad condition of water. In such circumstances, Panasonic Corporation , for example, will develop a device which can efficiently eliminate toxic sunstances from underground water in cooperation with Tata Group, the biggest industrial conglomerate in India. As poupulation is increasing in Asia, the demand for safer water there is increasing, and is expected to exceed that in Europe by the year of 2020. At the backdrop of that situation in Asia, Japanese firms are entering into the water market in Asia, with their expertise for providing people with safe water.