from the September 23 Nikkei (in a conversational way)

2014年09月25日 17時28分35秒 | 新聞記事から
シニア 共働き広がる 8組に1組、消費下支え 

According to a survey, more and more couple are working among those who are 65 years and over. This is a findings from the survey done by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. To be more detailed, one of eight couples are working, the survey says. This means that there are lot of elderly people who are healthy and active in working, and also a lot of companies which hire such kind of people. This also leads to bolstering individual consumption.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2014年09月25日 13時28分15秒 | 新聞記事から

Now in Japan there is an unique phenominum tat depopulation and aging are developing at the same time at a rapid pace. This is what is not being seen in other advanced countries except in Japan. This is a kind of population-related disease of society Japan has to tackle with. Decreasing of residents, deterioration of regions, and disappearance of various kinds of markets. To ease the nagative impacts from these and maintain the vigor of local areas,ideas and power to do things are needed. What matters now is how to exercise Japan's total power.
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from today's Nikkei

2014年09月25日 12時50分17秒 | 新聞記事から
車部品 欧大手を傘下に パナソニック M&A加速  

According to sources familiar with the matter, Panasonic Corporation will get a Spanish firm Ficosa International SA under its wing. Ficosa International is a major automobile parts maker based in Spain. To be more detailed, Panasonic is expected to take almost half stake of the firm for 20 to 30 billion yen by the end of March next year. This is the first case that Panasonic will carry out a big deal of merger and acquisition in the field of the car business, which is deemed as a pillar of the company's growth strategy. Ficosa International is known for its technology related to the footage recognition one,which has recently come to be highlited in the global market.The deal will surely make Panasonic get momentum in its pursuit of making inroads into the car business.
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