from recent news

2024年09月07日 06時37分28秒 | その他
小泉氏 出馬を正式に表明 自民党総裁選へ 最多6人目の名乗りとなる 早期の衆議院解散を明言した

Regarding the Liberal Democratic Party president election, which is to officially start on September 12 with the vote held on the 27th of the month, Shinjiro Koizumi, ex-minister for the environment, expressed his candidacy on Friday at the press conference in Tokyo. He is the 6th candidate in the election, whose number has been the most in the party's history. At the press conference, he made clear his intention to dissolve the lower house as soon as possible and have general elections if he is chosen to be the party's president and then the prime minister. He referred to the "three reforms" consisting of political reform, deregulation, and expansion of options for working practices. And he said these reforms would be implemented within a year.

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