from recent news in Japan

2024年09月30日 09時28分43秒 | 翻訳・通訳
衆院選が10月27日に投開票で実施の公算大 財務大臣に加藤氏 外務大臣に岩屋氏が内定 自民総務会長には鈴木氏

According to sources familiar with the newly elected Liberal Democratic Party president Shigeru Ishiba, he has decided that the House of Representatives should be dissolved (resolved) on October 9, the general elections be started on October 15, and their voting and vote counting be held on October 27. As to the personnel shift on the LDP executives, Shunichi Suzuku, 71, finance minister, is likely to be appointed as the LDP's General Council Chairperson. Concerning the cabinet ministers, Katsunobu Kato, 68, former cabinet secretary, is to be appointed as finance minister, Tsuyoshi Iwaya, 67, former defense minister, as foreign minister, and Gen Nakatani, 66, former defense minister, as defense minister again.
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