from recent news in Japan

2024年09月21日 07時13分50秒 | 翻訳・通訳
厚生労働省の調査結果で判明したこと、移植見送り数、昨年509人と判明 心臓、肺、肝臓の他、今回、膵臓、腎臓、小腸でも77人が見送られていたと分かった 人員、病床不足が原因とされる

It is learned that human organ transplantations were suspended in as many as 509 cases in Japan last year alone according to the survey carried out by the welfare ministry. The parts of the body in this issue are said to be the heart, lung, and liver mainly, but the cases for the parts of the pancreas, kidney, and small intestine have come to light, which have not been recognized. The organ transplantations were postponed in as many as 77 cases last year for these parts of pancreas, kidney and small intestine. The reasons for these suspensions of the organ transplantation are the lack of the personnel and beds necessary in the medical facilities.
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