from today's Nikkei

2006年09月13日 10時14分25秒 | 新聞記事から
赤字地方債 解禁を検討 総務省 国主導の改革計画条件 地方自治体の再建策

図で、自治体財政 再建策のイメージ

The outline of schemes the Ministry of Internal Affairs and communiocations is now deliberating on for preventing the local governments from collapsing in terms of their finances has recentlt made clear.According to the plan, The ministry intends to lift the ban that if local governments are in the deficit in their finances , they will not be able to issue their bonds. Even so, the condition that a state -oriented restructuring efforts are carried out, is to be attatched to the local government each.

in a figure,
Image of Autonomous Bodies' Financial Restructuring

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