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2025年01月08日 12時26分10秒 | 新聞記事から
首相 「令和の列島改造」 東京集中を是正 表明 年頭会見  大連立は 「考えず」
Pime Minister Shigeru Ishiba hold his first press conference in the year at Ice City, Mie Prefecture, on January 6 and expressed his idea of the reconstruction of Japanese Archipelago in the Reiwa Era, in order to take some corrective actions against too much concentration of things and humans into Tokyo only through the efforts of revitalizing the local areas in Japan. Pushing ahead with the transferring to local areas some of the central government offices is one of the ideas. The work style that employees at the central government have to work at two locations in cities and locals would be normal, and should be normal, Ishiba said. Proceeding with his government goal, he expressed his intension to get cooperation from opposition parties because of the present situation with the ruling parties minority in the lower chamber in the Diet, but he was cautious about forming a grand coalition with opposition parties included in the government.
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